BBQ Revives Tradition Attracting Strong Alumni Attendance
[Posted November 1, 2012] For Michigan Alpha alums, few places on the University of Michigan campus bring back more good memories on Homecoming than 1437 Washtenaw.
Back in the day, no Homecoming visit by an alum was truly complete without walking up the steps of the portico entrance and swinging open the massive solid wood doors to be greeted by active and alumni brothers in the foyer. That’s exactly what more than 35 alums — from classes of the 1950s through the 2000s — and their guests experienced during Homecoming 2012.
Homecoming History
Due to a range of reasons, Michigan Alpha’s Homecoming tradition faded in the late-1990s and finally ended when the active chapter’s charter was suspended in 1998. The closing of the active chapter also unfortunately marked the demise of the Phi Delta Theta – SAE Mud Bowl rivalry game that began in 1934, and was the oldest Homecoming tradition on campus after the varsity football game.
Today, SAE (AKA “the house across the street”) doesn’t regularly hold the Mud Bowl on Homecoming as they have turned it into a philanthropic tournament open to all fraternities that make a donation to the Mott’s Children’s Hospital.
When the active chapter was revived in December of 2004, the Alumni Association made the reestablishment of a Homecoming event with alums a top priority. Homecoming during the mid- and late 2000s consisted of opening the chapter house with light refreshments and a brief program to welcome alums. Alumni attendance gradually grew as more alums learned that a trip back to the old “Red Brick Barn” was an enjoyable experience. But, the event still didn’t have the high energy of past years.
2012 Homecoming Revival
Seeking to fully restore the tradition, Alumni Association President J.T. (Tom) Buck ’77 challenged the active chapter’s leadership to co-host a old-style barbeque during Homecoming 2012 that would attract strong attendance of alums and active alike.
The actives responded by firing up the grill on the South Porch and preparing an impressive menu featuring Italian sausages, hamburgers and hot dogs along with side dishes and snacks. They got the inside and outside of the chapter house in tip-top shape. They also made sure the Trophy Room was well organized showcasing many pictures and memorabilia of past Michigan Alpha glories.
Approximately 60 actives and their sorority girl guests combined with alums to pack the first floor which produced an especially lively atmosphere when the stereo was cranked up. As always on football game days, alums were permitted to park their cars on the lawn for free, but this year it was nearly at capacity.
Buck said, “The alumni attendance for Homecoming was the best it has been since the 1990s. I was especially encouraged to see alums bringing their wives and children to the chapter house in some cases for the first time. The actives did an outstanding job of organizing the event, and everyone had a great time. The Alumni Association plans to work with the actives to build on this success and keep the momentum going.”
Alumnus of the Year Award
The highlight of Homecoming 2012 was the presenting of the “Alumnus of the Year” award to Patrick Moore ’09. The Alumni Association board of directors unanimously chose Moore for his dedication to complete about 2 years of grueling training to become a Pararescueman in the U.S. Air Force.
Fewer than 1 in 10 men who start this elite training program complete it. The Pararescue program has highest training dropout rate in the entire U.S. Special Operations community. Moore’s mission is now to aid and rescue American pilots stranded anywhere around the globe — including behind enemy lines.
Buck said, “Moore is an example of the high quality of young men joining and graduating from Michigan Alpha today. During a time of war, he chose to serve in one of the military’s toughest programs rather than accept his admission to law school. While we look forward to learning of his future career accomplishments, Moore has already brought honor to Michigan Alpha by demonstrating the fraternity’s core principle of duty to serve and make a positive difference in society.”
Alums Welcome to Visit and 2013
Events If you didn’t make it to the chapter house during Homecoming or another football weekend this year, feel free to drop by and visit any time you are in Ann Arbor. Please remember, however, that the doors of the chapter house are locked at all times. If active members are present, they will let you in if you knock on the door.
Of course, the best way to be sure of seeing the inside of the chapter house is to attend a function held by the Alumni Association. We will send out 2013 event information when confirmed, and look forward to seeing you back at our 109 year old historic chapter house.