November 2006

As I am sure you all know, one of the primary objectives of your Alumni Association is to assure the financial stability and long term survival of the organization. So far we are doing O.K. with the Alumni Association existing since June 19, 1895, our date of incorporation. The 15 brothers that signed those original […]

May 2006

After our first full year on campus, I am happy to say that Michigan Alpha is back. Numerous new philanthropy events have been established, most notably, the Walk ‘n Roll to fight ALS. We also joined the ladies of Delta Gamma in participating in the first annual Banta Bash to raise money for a blind […]

November 2005

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who invested time and effort into bringing our chapter back to campus, and seeing us through our initiation and installation ceremonies. All of the undergraduate brothers had a great time, and we are all very proud to have joined the brotherhood of Phi Delta Theta. […]

March 2005

First, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who invested time and effort into bringing our Chapter back to campus, and seeing us through our initiation and installation ceremonies. All of the actives had a great time, and we are all very proud to have joined the brotherhood of Phi Delta Theta. […]

October 2004

As many of you know, our international fraternity has made a commitment to alcohol-free housing. The reasons are numerous, obvious and beneficial to the well being of the young men living in our house. The success of such a policy requires commitment, dedication and alumni oversight. View Full PDF

January 2001

On Friday night, September 15, 2000, I attended the opening ceremonies of the XXVII Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia — the first Games of the New Millennium. These were my eighth Olympics. Few games will ever compare to the first ones I saw in Rome as a small boy, largely because many events there were […]