Active Chapter 2009 Senior Profiles

Michigan Alpha’s new generation of active members are well-rounded young men who balance classwork with fraternity life and participation in other activities on campus.


The Alumni Association encourages alums to meet the active chapter members at functions such as the annual Homecoming Open House and Founders Day Dinner. We think you’ll be inpressed by the quality and character of the young men who are carrying on Michigan Alpha’s long tradition of excellence on campus.

The following three active chapter members are among the seven seniors expected to graduate in 2009:

Name: Jeffrey Bartels, Jr.

Hometown: Kalispell, Montana
Major: Geological Sciences

Pledge Class: Fall of 2006

Career Plans:

I joined the Naval ROTC at U of M to become a fighter pilot. I recently got the news that I’ve been selected for flight school. This is an extremely competitive program, but I’m looking forward to the challenge. I believe in a strong national defense and it would be a great honor to serve our country as a Naval aviator.

Experience in Michigan Alpha:

Phi Delt has taught me leadership and organizational skills that complement my academic work at U of M. I’ve made great friends whom I plan to stay in contact with throughout my life.

Name: Andrew O’Donald

Hometown: Greenville, MI

Hometown High School: Greenville Senior High School

Pledge Class: Fall 2005

Majors: Business & Ancient Greek

GPA: 3.4

Activities and Leadership Positions at U of M:

Member of the U of M Ski Team

Activities and leadership positions in Michigan Alpha:

Alumni Secretary, Webmaster

Experience in Michigan Alpha:

Phi Delt has taught me leadership and organizational skills that complement my academic work at U of M. I’ve made great friends whom I plan to stay in contact with throughout my life.

Plans After Graduation:

I plan to work for Microsoft at their headquarters in Seattle. I will be working in a marketing position.

Name: Joe Churukian

Hometown: Farmington Hills, MI

Hometown High School: University of Detroit Jesuit High School

Pledge Class: Winter 2006

Majors: Neuroscience & Armenian Studies (Pre-med)

GPA: 3.5, Honors: University Honors (2005, 2006, 2007); William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize (2006)

Activities and Leadership Positions in Michigan Alpha:

Scholarship Chairman and Librarian.

Experience in Michigan Alpha:

Joining Phi Delt was one of the best decisions I made since coming to college. The fraternity has made my years at U of M more meaningful and enjoyable.

Plans After Graduation:

After graduation, I plan to attend medical school.