Kelligrew, James Posted: 5/8/2012 7:58:00 AM
Class of 1987
I had a great time getting back to Ann Arbor for the big Michigan vs. Nebraska weekend! It was great seeing everybody- special thanks to Greg “Karm” for putting together such a great tailgate for the Phi Delts!
Burrows, Bradford “Ferdie” Posted: 9/6/2010 8:16:46 PM
Class of 1988
The family
After graduation, I moved to the West side of the state – Holland, MI. I spent 18 years at Prince/JCI. I still reside in the Holland area and manage operations for a truck parts company. I married a local Dutch girl (Denege) and we have 3 great kids. Outside of work, we spend out time up North at our cottage riding dirt bikes and mountain bikes and maybe a cocktail to relax with. I get to Ann Arbor several times a year and would love to reconnect with old friends.
Karmazin, Gregory “Karm” Modified: 7/4/2009 1:59:42 PM
Class of 1987
Greg is a government/public relations consultant working in the Detroit area. He moved back to Michigan in 2005 after a 16 year career in legislative work/public policy in Washington, D.C. He can be reached by e-mail at [email protected].
Citren, Michael Posted: 12/4/2008 12:37:54 PM
Class of 1983
Life in Washington, DC has been good. I have been married 16 years and have 3 children. I would love to reconnect with some PHI’s who I have lost touch with over the years.
Love, Nathaniel “Nat” Posted: 12/4/2008 12:37:54 PM
Class of 1981
I have recently celebrated my 30th anniversary at Meijer and am currently the Vice President of Drug Store. Marcia and I just celebrate our 21st anniversary and our oldest son Ben will start his freshman year at Central Michigan University. I am about to enter my ninth year as Province President of Sigma North. Ben and I will be heading off to Sea Base in a few weeks. Looking forward to another year of football games. Stop by our tailgate at the B School parking lot where we have been for over 20 years.
Post, Jeffrey “Poster” Posted: 12/4/2008 12:37:54 PM
Class of 1982
First 10 years out of school – successfull actor in Hollywood. Follow that with Design profession in automotive – Ford Motor Company Currently Director of Marketing for sustainable product development company – Circle, a member of the Sustainable Solutions Network. Connect with my brothers every year, usually for Michigan sports. Became Open Water Scuba certified with my 14 year old daughter this year, dove in Key Largo and soon Hawaii.
Love, Nathaniel “Nat” Posted: 8/26/2008 8:12:13 AM
Class of 1981
I have recently celebrated my 30th anniversary at Meijer and am currently the Vice President of Drug Store. Marcia and I just celebrate our 21st anniversary and our oldest son Ben will start his freshman year at Central Michigan University. I am about to enter my ninth year as Province President of Sigma North. Ben and I will be heading off to Sea Base in a few weeks.I am looking forward to another year of football games. Stop by our tailgate at the B School parking lot where we have been for over 20 years.
Post, Jeffrey “Poster” Posted: 8/26/2008 8:12:12 AM
Class of 1982
During my first ten years out of school, I was a successfull actor in Hollywood. I followed that with a design profession in automotives at Ford Motor Company. I am currently Director of Marketing for a sustainable product development company called Circle, a member of the Sustainable Solutions Network. I connect with my brothers every year, usually for Michigan sports. I became Open Water Scuba certified with my 14 year old daughter this year, we dove in Key Largo and soon Hawaii.
Hynes, Mark Posted: 11/8/2007 10:02:11 AM
Class of 1989
In August 18, 2006, I married a nice girl from Grosse Pointe Farms. No less than eight Phis turned out to witness this historic social event of the season at Pier Park including: Chuck Abookire ’90, Darwin Bolden ’91, Tony Hagelgans ’87, Greg Karmazin ’87, Dan McGinn ’90, Matt Stump ’88 and Matt Tice ’91 (in from Australia). The highlights of the evening included a toast for the hou’, “traditional” photo and a late night trip to the Old Shillelagh.
Gresla, Timothy Posted: 8/15/2007 7:06:50 AM
Class of 1988
I am an endodontist practicing in Winchester, Massachusetts. Barger, next time you’re in town visiting your parents call me, Im in the book, less than a mile from your parents house